From Us


it's the most wonderful time of the year

It’s a short window when we, here in the midwest, can eat locally grown strawberries and that window is NOW! A strawberry eaten in season is a very different experience than a strawberry eaten any other time of the year - they are sweet and juicy, typically much smaller than strawberries you find in the grocery store and a vibrant red, throughout the whole berry. When we eat fruits and vegetables that are in season there are many benefits. Here are just a few:

       1. We can shop hyper-locally, supporting our local food ecosystem and independent farmers. These options often offer more organic or sustainable choices, which can contribute to a higher nutrient content compared to conventionally grown produce. Organic farming practices tend to prioritize soil health, which can result in more nutrient-rich crops.

      2. Seasonal foods are typically harvested at their peak ripeness, meaning they are fresher and have higher nutrient content compared to foods that are picked before they are fully ripe and then transported long distances. The longer produce sits after being harvested, the more its nutrient content can deteriorate.

      3. We get more variety in our diets! Eating a variety of foods throughout the year, including seasonal produce, ensures a diverse nutrient intake. Different fruits and vegetables have different nutrient profiles, so consuming a wide range of seasonal options can provide a broader spectrum of essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

Now back to those local strawberries…We are buying them by the flat-full and eating them in every which way; baked into cake, marinated with citrus, shallots and olive oil to top burrata (definitely try this), muddled with spices for a raw strawberry sauce, in pasta… like I said, every which way. Of course we can’t resist adding them to a killer salad and our recent favorite combination is hitting the spot. It features juicy strawberries, hearty kale, a basil, lime, avocado dressing, hemp seeds and something crunchy. 

Strawberry Kale Salad 

Serves 4

This lovely combination of early summer flavors is perfect all on its own, but also really great alongside grilled chicken, salmon or sausages. Curly kale stands up beautifully to this thick and creamy avocado based dressing and the “something crunchy” can be anything from roasted sunflower seeds to your favorite seeded cracker crumbled on top, even granola! We hope you enjoy this satisfying salad just as much as we do.


1-2 large bunches of kale about 10 cups - washed, de-stemmed, and cut into roughly 1 inch pieces 

2 cups fresh strawberries - cut in half if small, sliced or quartered if larger 

1 batch avocado, basil, lime dressing. Below 

2 Tbsp. hemp seeds 

1/4 cup basil leaves, torn

1/3 cup something crunchy - we love roasted sunflower seeds or crumbled seedy crackers 

Add cleaned and chopped kale to a large bowl, add dressing and 1/4 tsp salt to the bowl. Massage dressing into kale with clean hands until greens are evenly coated. Add hemp seeds and mix once more. Transfer kale to large serving bowl or individual bowls and top with basil leaves, sliced berries and something crunchy. 

Avocado, Basil, Lime Dressing 

1/2 avocado

1/2 cup basil leaves - packed 

3 Tbsp fresh lime juice 

1/4 cup olive oil 

1 tsp. apple cider vinegar 

2 tsp. honey

1 tsp. Salt

Add all ingredients to a blender and blend until smooth.